Train Service

Dhaka To Chittagong Train Schedule & Ticket Prices 2022

Today we will know in detail about Dhaka to Chittagong train schedule & ticket prices. We are given in the below the complete list of Dhaka to Chittagong train time schedule, ticket price, route type, sit type, train type, train name list and other details.

Dhaka To Chittagong Train Name

Dhaka to Chittagong
Mail/Express Train list
Chittagong Mail (2)Karnaphuli Express (4)Chattala Express (68)
Dhaka to Chittagong Intercity Train ListSubarna Express (702)
Mahanagar Provati (704)
Mohanagar Express (722)Turna Express (742)
Sonar Bangla Express (788)

Dhaka To Chottogram Train Ticket Price

The box is showing the name and number of train, type of train and sit type with price list. Ticket prices may increase or decrease over time. So visit our website for correct information and purchase tickets.

SLTrain Number & NameType Of TrainTicket Price
1Subarna Express–701Intercity trainShovan Chair- 355
Snighdha – 673
2Sonar Bangla Express–788Intercity trainAC Seat: 1100/=
Snigdha: 1000/=
Shovon Chair: 600/=
3Mohanagar Godhuli–703Intercity trainAC Seat: 731/=
Snighdah: 610/=
Shovon Chair: 320/=
4Mohanagar Provati–704Intercity trainAC Seat: 756/=
First Class: 455/=
Snighdha Second Class: 345/=
Shovon Chair: 150/=
Shovon Chair Second Class: 125/=
5Mohanagar Express–722Intercity trainAC seat: 656/=
Shovon chair: 345/=
6Turna Express–742Intercity trainAC Bath: 1093/=
Ac Seat: 731/=
Shovon Chair: 320/=

Dhaka To Chattogram Train Schedule

Bellow in the chart showing the name of train with train number, Departure time from Dhaka and arrival time to chittagong and weekly train holidays.

SLTrain Number & NameDeparture Time From DhakaArrival Time To ChittagongWeekly Holiday
1Subarna Express–70204:30 pm09:50 pmMonday
2Mahanagar Provati–70407:45 am02:00 pmNo
3Mohanagar Express–72209:20 pm4:50 amSunday
4Turna Express–74211:30 pm06:20 amNo
5Sonar Bangla Express–78807:00 am12:15 pmWednesday
6Chittagong Mail–210:30 pm07:25 amNo
7Karnaphuli Express–408:45 am06:15 pmNo
8Chattala Express–6801:00 pm08:30 pmTuesday

For more train information and bus details click bellow in the button.

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