Dhaka To Mymensingh Bus: Online Ticket Price & Contact Number
Lots of people search for Dhaka To Mymensingh Bus. Today we will discuss the name of the best bus for this route with the ticket price, bus schedule, bus name, and bus counter number with address. For traveling to Mymensingh this bus service is best for you.
- Alam Asia
- Dreamland
- Soukhin Paribahan
- Ena Transport
Dhaka To Mymensingh Bus Schedule
Here we provide the name of the Mymensingh bus, the first trip, and the last trip timetable according to the bus.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip |
Ena Transport | 8:30 am | 8:30 pm |
Alam Asia | 6:00 am | 12:30 pm |
Soukhin Paribahan | 5:30 am | 9:30 pm |
Dreamland | 5:30 am | 9:30 pm |
Dhaka To Mymensingh Bus Counter Number With Address
Below the table, we provide the name of the Mymensingh bus counter number and, the location of all counters according to the bus.
Bus Name | Contact Number | Location Of The Counters |
Ena Paribahan | Mobile Number 01924764571, 01869802736, 01869802727 | Head office: House no. 23, Road no.8, Block No. A, Mirpur: 12 |
Alam Asia | Mobile Number 01711806051, 01712717325, 01716924302 | Alam Asia Mohakhali CounterAlam Asia Fulbaria bus stand |
Dreamland | Mobile Number 01715910870 | N/A |
Soukhin Paribahan | Mobile Number 01715910870 | Kalabagan, Kalyanpur, Gabtoli Counter |
Dhaka To Mymensingh Bus Ticket Price
Here we provide the name of the Mymensingh bus, the Air conditioning bus ticket price, and the non-air conditioning bus service ticket price according to the bus.
Bus Name | AC Bus Ticket Price BDT | Non-AC Bus Ticket Price BDT |
Alam Asia | 250 Tk | 200 Tk |
Ena Transport | 200 Tk | 150 Tk |
Soukhin Paribahan | 220 Tk | 160 Tk |
Dreamland | 250 Tk | 180 Tk |
Online Ticket Buying Guidelines:
You must get a ticket before confirming your Travel on the bus. So you have to follow the rules to book a ticket. You should check transport service sites when booking tickets online.
You can select a bus from this Content and Then book a bus ticket after paying for the ticket via bKash or Rocket account.
Read More: Dhaka To Kuakata Launch Schedule Mobile Number & Ticket Price